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Alfred Health Strategic Plan 2024-30

A Health Service for all Victorians

We are at a pivotal moment in health.

The Alfred Health Strategic Plan 2024-30 embraces the potential of 21st century care to improve the health outcomes and lives of people.

This plan is for Victorians. Clinicians, carers, consumers and patients have all helped shape the direction of this ambitious six-year plan.

Our strategic plan will enable us to respond effectively to challenges and take advantage of opportunities to realise our ambitions. 

Our Strategic Pillars

Designed to help us drive innovation and improve health outcomes.

Patients & Community


To provide a positive and personalised experience to patients and their families, consumers, and carers.


  • Deliver highly personalised care that meets the unique needs of every patient, family and carer, and empowers shared decision-making.
  • Provide safe, timely and appropriate care to every patient throughout their entire health journey.
  • Establish equitable and inclusive services that go above and beyond in meeting the needs of our diverse local, regional and remote community.
  • Foster meaningful connections with our patients and consumers, to ensure service delivery capability reflects the catchment needs they serve.

World Leading Services


To be a global healthcare leader, delivering outstanding outcomes in health and education.


  • Deliver outstanding healthcare to our local community and beyond.
  • Attract and retain world-leading experts who drive transformative innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Enhance and expand our clinical services, regionally and internationally.
  • Prepare the next generation of pioneering healthcare professionals through education and training.
  • Advance the global standard of healthcare by both learning from and sharing knowledge through our partnerships.

Workplace & Staff Development


To be Australia’s healthcare employer of choice.


  • Value our people by committing to equity, respect and compassion across the workplace.
  • Create an exceptionally supportive and empowering work environment that enables staff to thrive and respond to challenges of our work.
  • Continuously build the skills and capabilities of our people by providing dynamic and transformative training and development programs.
  • Enhance our leadership development programs to prepare future healthcare leaders.

Research & Innovation


To be an internationally recognised, leading academic health service that embeds a culture of research and innovation in its everyday practice.


  • Strengthen our culture of research and innovation by empowering all staff to actively engage and excel in research and innovation practices, developing the next generation of academic leaders and researchers.
  • Drive breakthrough discoveries and revolutionise healthcare delivery through the application of innovative therapies, practices and care models to achieve outstanding outcomes for patients.
  • Strengthen our research and academic partnerships to become Australia's most impactful health service.
  • Harness the power of technology to generate profound insights and fuel value-driven innovation and improvements.

Sustainable Healthcare


To be a global leader in sustainable healthcare practices.


  • Deliver sustainable healthcare that prioritises patient experience and outcomes, optimises resource use and prioritises the most effective clinical interventions.
  • Modernise our aged buildings and infrastructure to provide fit-for-purpose environments for contemporary models of care.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint and mitigate the impact of climate change through staff driven, local and organisation-wide initiatives.
  • Drive health system change through collaboration with partners across government, healthcare, academia and industry.

Our Transformational Programs

We will continue to grow and develop our capabilities through three key Transformational Programs which will maximise our role as a leading health service.

  • Our healthcare system is constantly evolving and so are the needs and expectations of our patients.

  • Alfred Health creates the future of healthcare by developing highly innovative models of care that significantly improve health outcomes and revolutionise the patient experience.

  • Alfred Health has a social responsibility to lead the development of sustainable healthcare practices to ensure a resilient healthcare system for Victorians.

Enhancing the Alfred Health Experience.

How staff support can lead to a better patient experience

Peer Supporters are staff are trained volunteers who are passionate about supporting their colleagues in times of need.

"When staff feel heard and supported, it cultivates a positive environment  to continue to progress patient care."

Mirosha Manoharan | Speech Pathologist

Innovating Healthcare for All.

How innovation can lead to better care

 A revolutionary, implantable mechanical device to be tested at The Alfred is set to provide new hope to patients with debilitating heart failure. Developed in Australia, the Total Artificial Heart can adapt its pumping capabilities through a novel engineering solution.

"The Total Artificial Heart is intended to fully replace a natural heart, providing patients with a possible alternative to heart transplant."

Prof David Kaye | Director of Cardiology

Building a Sustainable Health System.

Taking a holistic approach to caring for all Victorians

The Diabetes Connecting Care Clinic (DCCC) at Caulfield Hospital offers more than holistic integrated care for people living with complex type 2 diabetes.

"One day, I hope to have a Diabetes Clinic in Bendigo, inspired by the Diabetes Connecting Care Clinic model at Caulfield Hospital. This will support local GPs in effectively managing their patients,  fostering a healthier and more connected community."

Dr Mario Fernando | Bendigo GP

Our Purpose and Beliefs

To improve the lives of our patients and their families, our communities and humanity.

Developing and implementing this plan.

Through the Alfred Heath Strategic Plan 2024–2030 we showcase the valuable contributions of our many stakeholders. We have listened carefully to all these voices – our patients, local community, staff and partner organisations.

The strategic plan reflects those conversations, capturing the expectations and aspirations of our stakeholders. Responding to the pressing needs of the COVID-19 pandemic, our previous strategic plan was focussed on a short three-year cycle. As we move forward from those challenges, our new Strategic Plan will offer direction and clarity of purpose over the next six years. This longer timescale will provide the time for our ambitious plans to come to fruition.

To develop this strategic plan, we have considered the developing trends in healthcare, detailed population level data, the local specific needs of our catchment and the wider social, economic regulatory context in which our health service operates.