Young footballer’s fight for life
In July 2024, an accident on the footy field left rising star Michael Pisker in a coma for 17 days. Less than a year later the determined young man is able to share his story, as his dedicated team of medical professionals reflect on his road to recovery.

Last year, Michael Pisker, 26, woke up to learn he had been in an induced coma for 17 days.
“Surreal would probably be the word,” said Michael.
“I just remember waking up with my mum at my bedside. She asked, ‘Do you know where you are?’ I looked around and understood I was in a hospital.”
With the help of doctors, Michael’s mum explained that he’d collided with another player while going for a mark, taking a knee to the head.

Michael Pisker playing for the St Kevins Old Boys Football Club

The St Kevins Old Boys footballer was brought to The Alfred where he was operated on by neurosurgeons Ron Jithoo, Lindy Jeffree and Chris Donaldson.
“Michael had a complicated injury involving the unfortunate loss of his eye,” Ron said.
“In addition to that, the structures on both sides of his head and the bones around his eye sockets were extensively fractured.”
In addition to a hemorrhage to the brain, the injuries caused Michael’s brain to swell.
*Image: Neurosurgeon Ron Jithoo

“We had a discussion with his family and decided the best thing to do would be to try and make some room for his brain to help him recover,” Chris said.
“I did an operation with Professor Jeffrey to remove the front part of his skull and wash out the blood that was there. That operation was very successful, and he recovered well after that.”
By the time Michael became conscious, he was surrounded by family, friends and community members who had rallied around to support him.
*Image: Neurosurgeons Chris Donaldson and Lindy Jeffree

Michael post-surgery, and later accepting a bravery award from the St Kevins Old Boys Football club which is now named after him.
“My mum, sister and my girlfriend Sasha were super important, and still are, in supporting me in my recovery process,” Michael said.
Michael’s dad flew to Australia from his home in Ireland to be by his side.
“He doesn’t come to Australia too often so it was really nice to see him, and he was very happy to see me improving,” Michael said.
Michael’s footy club also rallied around him, creating a fundraising page as well as making frequent visits.
“They made the experience a lot easier, and it felt really good to be supported,” Michael said.

After surgery, Michael continued his recovery at Caulfield Hospital’s Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Rehabilitation Centre, which provides specialised services for people with severe brain injuries resulting from trauma, stroke and other medical conditions.
Like Michael, every patient in the ABI Rehabilitation Centre is supported by a multidisciplinary team – including neuropsychologists, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, speech pathologists and occupational therapists – who tailor a plan to help them achieve their goals. This includes developing and learning strategies to perform everyday tasks such as showering, preparing meals, shopping, keeping track of appointments, returning to work, or participating in social and leisure activities at home or in the community.
*Image: Michael with speech pathologist Chiara Sommers and neuropsychologist Rachel O’Meara; Michael performing rehab exercises in the ABI Unit’s rehabilitation gym.

Clinical Neuropsychology Registrar Teagan Connop-Galer said Michael’s rehabilitation progressed in “leaps and bounds”.
“I began working with Michael a little later in his stay when he had flown through many of the initial cognitive and functional tasks he was presented with,” Teagan said.
*Image: a selfie with Michael’s rehab team at Caulfield’s Acquired Brain Injury Unit
Michael was also keen to get back to the way he felt physically and mentally before the accident.
Physiotherapist Ainslee Elliott said knowing Michael’s athletic background helped the team understand and assist with his long-term goals.
“We talked about getting back to the gym, improving muscle mass and aerobic endurance, and, as appropriate, returning to running,” Ainslee said.
Taking it day by day, Michael began to see results.

“I started out shaky just walking to the gym, but slowly and surely everything has come back and that's thanks to the ABI team,” Michael said.
Now discharged from the ABI Unit, Michael continues his rehabilitation as an outpatient attending a regular running group and other sessions designed to help him return to work.
In place of footy, he’s joined a basketball team to “scratch the itch” of being in friendly competition and plans to go travelling before setting his sights on a career coaching Australian Rules Football.
Occupational therapist Louise Emmett said Michael ought to be “so proud” of how he has managed his injury so far.
“He has achieved so much recovery in a short space of time,” Louise said.
“Part of this is due to his understanding and openness to participate in rehabilitation and taking on the advice of the health professionals he’s working with.”

Neurosurgeon Ron Jithoo also congratulated Michael on his “fighting spirit”, and said his recovery shows what is possible when medical disciplines work together.
“It’s a testament to the team of emergency department doctors, ICU doctors, surgeons, and anesthetists of the Alfred Trauma Service, which includes the Acquired Brain Injury Unit at Caulfield Hospital,” Ron said.
“It starts at the initial retrieval from the football field, and moves through to surgery and ICU, and then onto rehabilitation, helping Michael make it back into the community.”