Help patients like Darcy breathe easier.

We need your support.

Donate today to support state-of-the-art respiratory equipment and help patients like Darcy breathe easier.

Darcy was a happy, but sick child - ear infections, bronchitis, asthma and more. He was always looking for something to build or fix. As his condition worsened, Darcy's only chance of survival was a lung transplant.

And the only place in Australia that can perform lung transplants for children, is The Alfred.

Acting Head of Paediatric Lung Transplant, Dr Miranda Paraskeva, said that The Alfred was the only place for Darcy to come.

"We are the nationally funded paediatric lung and heart transplant centre," she said. "We do all of the transplants for children under 16 (4-16) in Australia."

Darcy is now thriving and back doing things he loves the most, like riding on his scooter. Darcy and his family are forever thankful to The Alfred.

There are more than 150 complex reasons identified for breathlessness and more than 11,000 patients attend the Lung Function Laboratory at The Alfred every year.

The Alfred is home to the premier respiratory service in Australia and the fifth largest globally, with patient outcomes following lung transplantation the best in the world.

From cystic fibrosis, asthma and diseases such as silicosis (including an Australia-first clinic for construction workers exposed to silica), to lung transplants, the service is at the forefront of new and innovative research in respiratory diseases.

Another key area in which The Alfred has emerged as a leader in the respiratory field across Australia is the treatment of silicosis – a potentially fatal lung disease which has soared in recent years.

The Alfred’s Occupational Respiratory Clinic, which operates in partnership with WorkSafe, is an Australian first clinic for construction industry workers exposed to silica or diagnosed with silicosis, a deadly lung disease. It is the only service of its kind in a public hospital.


"It turned my world upside down and I have been struggling with what comes next. But having the support of the teams here at The Alfred and WorkSafe does make a difference."


Your donation will help us raise $3.5 million for state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, as well as supporting research
and better outcomes for patients.