Our Care

We actively support and promote a recovery-oriented approach to care for each individual. We encourage patient and carer participation in goal setting, treatment, care and recovery planning that supports effective discharge.

Our Team


Your relative or friend will be admitted to Baringa by a nursing staff member. Patients are allocated a nurse each day for that shift. You can ask them for updates about your relative or friend.


Each team has a registrar and an intern who work with the Consultant Psychiatrist.

Our patients are seen by the Registrar or intern on admission to the ward. Patients will see the Consultant Psychiatrist within 24-hours and at least weekly during their stay.

The treating team may arrange family meetings during your relative/friend’s admission to Baringa.

Allied Health

There is an Occupational Therapist and a Social Worker on Baringa. The Occupational Therapist is involved in daily therapeutic groups, one-to-one activities and assessments of daily living if required. The Social Worker’s role is to support your relative/friend and yourself during the hospital stay and help with discharge planning.

We also have access to Psychology, Neuropsychology and other health service providers as deemed necessary.


The door exiting Baringa remains locked.

Some of our patients require constant monitoring, so maintaining a secure environment is necessary. If a patient would like to have some leave with their relative/friend, please discuss this with the nursing staff.


The Occupational Therapist runs a variety of group sessions such as exercise class, gardening, cooking, art, table tennis. Nursing staff assist with these activities.

There is also a weekly communication meeting. We may organise individual occupational sessions to suit individual needs.

Day leave

You should discuss any issues or concerns with the nursing staff before leaving the unit.

On your return, please ensure you give staff feedback on how the leave went. You should expect to come into the unit before and after dropping off your relative/friend to ensure you communicate with staff and complete the leave book.

When visiting your relative/friend, please sign in and out at the staff station.

Discharge – leaving Baringa

Discharge usually occurs in the morning. We can arrange a more suitable time if needed.