Mr Max Niggl

Max has been a patient with Alfred Health since 1994.

Prior to his retirement in 2019, Max worked for 20 years at Living Positive Victoria as the Positive Speakers Bureau Coordinator where he managed a state wide program educating people (especially secondary school students) about HIV and sexual health. Public speaking training, community development, peer support, and health promotion were his area’s of expertise.

His focus is promoting community participation in health care, patient health literacy, equitable access to health services, and enabling people to be individual advocates for their ongoing health and well-being.

Max is a gay man living with HIV since 1984 and has an acute understanding of stigma and discrimination and the intersectionality of gender, sexual identity and HIV.

Max is an active Alfred Health consumer adviser at Alfred Health:

  • HIV Services Advisory Group (member for six years)
  • Patient Comes First Committee (member for three years)
  • Burnet/Alfred HIV and Ageing Advisory Committee (past member for three years)

Committee positions

Member — Community Advisory Committee