History of Sandringham Hospital

Sandringham Hospital proudly celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014. It has remained as ingrained in the bayside community today as it was to those who helped establish it all those decades ago.

Since opening its doors for the first time on March 15, 1964, it has been a unique hospital. Sandringham Hospital’s ties to the community have always been strong.  In fact its development, and the funding to support it, initially came from the local community.

Developed as an 88-bed emergency and maternity care hospital in 1964, the Bluff Road hospital was designed to eliminate the need for local residents to seek care in the city.

The hospital was built at a time of political and economic uncertainty. Post-war material shortages hampered the attempts of a small group of dedicated Sandringham residents, health administrators and local politicians however they persevered and succeeded.

Today, more than 33,000 patients pass through the emergency department doors each year – one in four are children –with many services, including maternity, provided locally.   

Over the years Sandringham Hospital has played a vital role in the community by providing exceptional and outstanding care that has earned it an enviable reputation as a community hospital. 

Sandringham hospital reception history
Doctor and nurse caring for woman, Sandringham history