Transition to Specialty Practice programs

Alfred Health Transition to Specialty practice programs are a structured 12-month program for Registered Nurses to provide a career pathway relevant to clinical specialty nursing practice.

This program aligns with Registered Nurse at Grade 2, Year 2-3 level and offers an opportunity to build and consolidate knowledge and skills in comprehensive patient assessment in a specialty area through the development of critical thinking and problem solving.

There are currently programs in:

  • Intensive Care
  • Emergency and Trauma
  • Peri-operative services
  • Cardio-Respiratory
  • Mental Health 

Completion of the program may be used to:

  • Develop career in that area, for example CNS.
  • Provide an effective platform for enrolment into Masters level post graduate study.
  • Gain specialist skills and knowledge to employ on return/transition to another area of practice at Alfred Health.

All positions are ongoing with Alfred Health. Participants will usually transition into Post Graduate study in the specialty area following TSP program, however some may choose return to wider Alfred Health context with enhanced skills and knowledge

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