Volunteer at Sandringham Hospital

In Victoria we have a proud history of putting our hands up to volunteer for organisations that serve the community. Like many organisations we depend on volunteers to provide important services at our hospital.

Why volunteer at Sandringham Hospital?

  • You make a difference
  • Volunteering is an investment in your community and the people who live in it
  • You support a vital local resource that benefits people you care about
  • You can discover your secret talents, learn about the functions of one of the best health systems in the world and gain knowledge of local resources
  • As a volunteer you help to strengthen our community
  • Have an opportunity to promote your personal growth and self esteem
  • Gain professional experience, build your resume or test out a career
  • It’s good for you! Volunteering provides physical and mental rewards reducing stress and making you healthier!

Volunteering opportunities are varied. Sandringham volunteer program offers services including:

  • Patient support in a range of inpatient and outpatient settings
  • Patient surveys and data collection
  • Pet therapy
  • Administration support
  • Concierge
  • Gardening group
  • Fundraising

The first step in becoming a Sandringham Hospital volunteer is to complete the on-line application form to register your interest.

Potential volunteers will be asked to:

  • Attend for an interview to discuss your interests and potential opportunities
  • Agree to undergo a Police Check
  • Apply for a Working with Children’s Check
  • Be prepared to disclose your COVID vaccination status
  • Attend an induction session
  • Attend or complete a online Infection Prevention training module
  • Ongoing training and support is provided to all successful applicants
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