Your rights & responsibilities

We want our patients to always feel safe, secure, supported and as comfortable as possible.

We welcome all people irrespective of age, culture, ethnicity, religion, language, physical or mental disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. By working together we can make sure you receive the best possible healthcare experience.

Find out more about your rights and responsibilities as a patient below.

Access – a right to access healthcare

Our responsibilities

You have the right to access healthcare services and treatment that meets your needs.

Your responsibilities

Attend all of your appointments at the booked time and notify us if there is a problem

Contact us if you don’t understand or need more information about services, appointments and ongoing care

Safety – a right to receive safe and high quality care

Our responsibilities

You have a right to receive safe and high quality health care that meets national standards.

You have a right to be cared for in an environment that is safe and makes you feel safe.

Your responsibilities

Provide accurate information, as best you can about your current medical problems, previous illness, medications, visits to hospital, allergies and other matters relating to your health

Discuss any worries or concerns you have with staff

Respect – a right to be shown respect and to be treated with dignity and consideration

Our responsibilities

You have a right to be treated as an individual and with dignity and respect.

You have a right to have your culture, identity, beliefs and choices recognised and respected.

Your responsibilities

Be courteous and considerate to other patients and to staff

Partnership – a right to be included in decisions and to make choices about your healthcare

Our responsibilities

You have a right to ask questions and be involved in open and honest communication.

You have a right to make decisions with your healthcare provider, to the extent that you choose and are able to.

You have a right to include the people that you want in planning and decision-making.

Your responsibilities

You can choose to consent to or refuse a treatment

Be involved in the planning and success of your treatment.

Ask for clarification on anything you are unsure about

Information – a right to be informed about services, treatment options and costs in a clear and open way

Our responsibilities

You have a right to clear information about your condition, the possible benefits and risks of different tests and treatments, so you can give your informed consent.

You have a right to receive information about services, waiting times and costs.

You have a right to be given assistance, when you need it, to help you understand and use health information. You have a right to access your health information.

You have a right to be told if something has gone wrong during your health care, how it happened, how it may affect you and what is being done to make care safe.

Your responsibilities

Ask staff for a clear explanation of treatments, tests and medication recommended for your care

Let staff know immediately if you do not understand instructions or advice given to you

Let staff know if you intend to leave the service

Privacy – a right to privacy and confidentiality of your personal information

Our responsibilities

You have a right to have your personal privacy respected.

You have a right to have information about you and your health kept secure and confidential.

Your responsibilities

Please respect the privacy and confidentiality of others

Give feedback – a right to comment on your healthcare and to have your concerns addressed

Our responsibilities

You have a right to provide feedback or make a complaint without it affecting the way that you are treated.

You have a right to have your concerns addressed in a transparent and timely way.

You have a right to share your experience and participate to improve the quality of care and health services.

Your responsibilities

Tell us if you have a concern and we will work to resolve it

Raise your concerns in a respectful way

Tell us if we have done a good job if that is how you feel

Charter of Healthcare Rights

A copy of the Charter of Healthcare Rights is on display in all areas of the health service, you can also ask staff for a copy.

We care about your health

Help us to keep you safe by:

  • Respecting our smokefree policy and not smoking within the boundaries of the hospital. Alfred Health is a totally smokefree environment
  • Refraining from using alcohol or other illicit substances at the hospital
  • Treating staff, other patients or visitors with respect
  • Refraining from any other illegal activities at the hospital