
External competitive research funding

Applications for competitive grants are generally to be submitted via Monash University (or the university with which the Alfred Health staff member is affiliated). This means that the university is the administering institution, not Alfred Health. Deadlines for applications are as advised by the Monash Research Office. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. Universities are not eligible to administer the grant and a Health Service is eligible; or other strategic reasons such as limits on the number of applications per institution for a particular scheme), Alfred Health may choose to submit applications as the administering institution.

To enquire if an application may be submitted directly via Alfred Health, contact Rebecca Erlich, Senior Research Administrator | (03) 8532 1772

To submit applications via Monash University, staff are required to hold a Monash adjunct appointment. Such an appointment should be arranged through the appropriate School (Central Clinical School or School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine).

The Monash University contacts at the Alfred Research Alliance are:

Internal research funding: Alfred Research Trusts grants

The Alfred Research Trusts generate annual revenue, which is directed towards funding research priority areas and collaborative research platforms within the Alliance.

Previously Small Project Grants of up to $15,000 each were awarded twice annually to Alfred Health staff members via a competitive process. In 2022 the award value is increasing to $25,000 per grant, with one round to be conducted per year.

From time-to-time other competitive schemes are announced on an ad hoc basis. In 2016, an additional $2.5 million of available funding enabled a competitive call, which saw four Major Project Grants and five Seeding Grants awarded for funding, commencing in 2017.