Biobank Research

Learn more about recent examples of our research.

The following are some examples of our projects:

Short title: LUCAS

  • Cancer type: Lung cancer
  • Purpose: Improving diagnosis and treatment
  • Research areas: Liquid biopsy, targeted sequencing

Patients with lung cancer are usually required to undergo an invasive and potentially dangerous tissue biopsy procedure. In partnership with Illumina , a leading biotechnology company. This project is investigating the role of an innovative yet simple blood test known as a liquid biopsy. This test helps to obtain accurate information to inform the diagnosis and treatment of non-metastatic lung cancer.
Lead Investigator: Dr Maggie Moore (Medical Oncologist, Alfred Health)

Short title: TRIP

  • Cancer type: Melanoma and lung cancer
  • Purpose: Predicting treatment response and reducing side effects 
  • Research areas: Immunotherapy, radiation therapy, liquid biopsy

Immunotherapy is rapidly changing the treatment landscape of cancer therapy. However, recent research has only identified a few biomarkers that can reliably predict how well immunotherapy may work or cause severe side effects. This project aims to identify and investigate these biomarkers.
Lead Investigator: Dr Miles Andrews (Medical Oncologist, Alfred Health)

Short title: HPRO

  • Cancer type: Prostate cancer
  • Purpose: Understanding the biology of cancer and identifying suitable treatment options
  • Research areas: Targeted sequencing, precision oncology

Hormone refractory prostate carcinoma (HRPC) is a dangerous form of the disease and research into better treatments options is urgently needed. Recent studies have identified a vulnerability in some HRPCs, called Homologous Recombination Repair (HRR) defects. When this is present, treatment with a new class of drugs called PARP inhibitors might be effective. This project is investigating the incidence of HRR defects in HRPCs to identify patients in whom PARP inhibitors can be used.
Lead Investigator: Dr Mahesh Iddawela (Medical Oncologist, Alfred Health and Latrobe Regional Hospital)