How you can support ACB

As a not-for-profit platform, we do not make money from supporting our researchers, and rely on community advisors, donations and sponsorships.

There are many ways you can support us, such as:
•    becoming a donor of biospecimens and medical information to the Alfred Cancer Biobank
•    speaking to others about our work
•    being involved as a consumer advisor
•    donating to the biobank or our projects 

Being involved as a consumer advisor at the biobank

Consumer advisors are individuals with lived experience of a disease or condition, such as cancer. They may be cancer survivors, or carers of their loved ones who have been diagnosed with cancer. At the Alfred Cancer Biobank, there are many opportunities where you can partner with us as a consumer advisor, depending on your experiences and preference. 

Some examples are:
•    partnering with researchers so they can learn about your experiences and stories
•    reviewing materials for the biobank e.g. website and promotional leaflets
•    reviewing and approving new project requests
•    advising on our workflows and strategies
•    being involved in our governance committees
•    organising fundraising events with us

If you are interested in partnering with us, you can let us know by contacting us via or apply through the Alfred Patient Experience & Consumer Participation Program.

Donating to our work

As a not-for-profit platform, we do not make money from supporting our researchers. Therefore, our biobank staff and infrastructure are dependent on donations and sponsorships.

If you would like to donate to our program, or to specific projects we are supporting, please contact the Alfred Foundation. Alternatively, you can email