Submitting a research project request

With a wide-ranging team of experts, we can provide end-to-end services and consultations.

Our expertise and research services

Our growing team consists of oncology clinicians, molecular biologists, histologists, project managers and bioinformaticians. 

With a wide range of expertise, we can provide end-to-end services and consultations on the following:
•    study design and coordination
•    preparation for an ethics application
•    biospecimen and data collection with bespoke protocols
•    sequencing library preparation

Frequently asked questions for researchers

What makes the Alfred Cancer Biobank (ACB) special?

Our biobanking program is designed from an end-user’s perspective, featuring:
•    Bespoke and flexible collection and processing workflows, where biospecimens can be collected serially and prospectively at specific time points
•    Linkage of customised clinical dataset to biospecimens, and where possible, to other registries and biobanks as well
•    Rigorous quality control processes to ensure that biospecimens are fit-for-purpose

How do I submit a project?

If you are interested in submitting a project, please email for an initial discussion. After that, we may invite you to complete a Material Request, which will be reviewed by the Access Committee. Once the project is approved by both the Access Committee and Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), we can then provide biospecimens for your project.

If you are not affiliated with Alfred Health or Monash University, we may require you to sign a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) or Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA) before any biospecimen transfers. 

What is the cost involved for using ACB’s biospecimens and services?

A custom quote will be provided after discussing your requirements with the ACB. As a not-for-profit organisation, our service charge is solely for cost recovery purposes.