Dermatology clinical trials

About us 

The Alfred's dermatology department is a large tertiary referral centre for adults with all inflammatory and genetic skin conditions, as well as non-melanoma skin cancers. 

The unit is focused on new treatments for common conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well as advancements in the treatment of more rare conditions such as vitiligo, hidradenitis suppurativa, bullous pemphigoid and urticaria. 

Our vision 

To advance the development of new treatments for acute severe and chronic on-going skin conditions. We want to improve the quality of life for patients with skin disease and bring more awareness to common and rarer skin conditions.

ClinTrial Refer website

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ClinTrial Refer is a quick way to see all of our open trials, in one place. It’s the easy way to find a trial that may be right for you or your patient.

Find Dermatology clinical trials clinical trials on ClinTrial Refer

Our focus

We currently have trials for the following, but not limited to dermatological conditions:

  • Atopic Dermatitis (eczema)
  • Psoriasis
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa / Acne Inversa
  • Urticaria (CSU / CINDU)
  • Prurigo Nodularis
  • Immunobullous diseases (bullous pemphigoid etc...)
  • Ulcerative pyoderma gangrenosum
  • Vitiligo

What are Phase I, II, III or IV clinical trials?

There are four different phases of a clinical trial. Each phase is represented by a roman numeral.

Find out more about what happens in each phase

Our Team

Prof Johannes S Kern

Johannes is a conjoint Professor and Director of Dermatology, Monash University School of Translational Medicine and Alfred Health.

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A/Prof Sue Yen Michelle Goh

A/Prof Michelle Goh is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Dermatologists (FACD).

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Dr Charlotte Krones

Charlotte, our Clinic and Trials Fellow, is a strong patient advocate and has a strong emphasis on patient-centred care.

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Melissa Markos

Melissa Markos is a Registered Nurse with an interest in research to improve treatment options.

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Frances Burns

Frances Burns is a Registered Nurse with a strong interest in research and improving participants' quality of life.

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Assessing the Potential for Patient-led Surveillance After Treatment of Localized Melanoma (MEL-SELF): A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

Ackermann DM, Dieng M, Medcalf E, Jenkins MC, van Kemenade CH, Janda M, Turner RM, Cust AE, Morton RL, Irwig L, Guitera P, Soyer HP, Mar V, Hersch JK, Low D, Low C, Saw RPM, Scolyer RA, Drabarek D, Espinoza D, Azzi A, Lilleyman AM, Smit AK, Murchie P, Thompson JF, Bell KJL

(2022), JAMA Dermatol, 158(1), 33-42

DOI: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2021.4704

Assessing the Generalizability of Deep Learning Models Trained on Standardized and Nonstandardized Images and Their Performance Against Teledermatologists: Retrospective Comparative Study

Oloruntoba AI, Vestergaard T, Nguyen TD, Yu Z, Sashindranath M, Betz-Stablein B, Soyer HP, Ge Z, Mar V

(2022), JMIR Dermatology, 5(3), e35150

DOI: 10.2196/35150

Comparison between melanoma diagnostic pathways and access to services for rural versus metropolitan patients during Victoria's COVID-19 lockdown

Tan K, Pan Y, Mar V

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(1), e41-3

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13741

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