The X-PLORE Study is on ongoing study run by researchers at Alfred Health in Melbourne, it aims to monitor long-term health outcomes and wellbeing for people who take PrEP, and gathers information to assist with improving PrEP delivery in Australia.

Welcome to the 2025 edition of the X-PLORE Study.  

PrEP is the use of HIV medications to prevent HIV infection in people who might be at risk of acquiring HIV through sex or injecting drug use. We would like to invite anyone who is living in Australia who is currently using PrEP, or has ever used PrEP, or anyone who has not used PrEP but who might benefit from using PrEP, to participate in this survey.

This survey is part of the X-PLORE Study, which is an ongoing study run by researchers at Alfred Health in Melbourne, that aims to monitor long-term health outcomes and wellbeing for people who take PrEP. This year, the survey also explores “The Future of PrEP”, and seeks to canvas the opinions of PrEP users on proposed changes in how PrEP might be delivered in Australia, and different/new ways that people might use PrEP.

This survey has been reviewed and approved by the research ethics committee at Alfred Health. Your responses will be de-identified and kept confidential.

This survey asks about several issues that are important to PrEP users, including your physical health, mental health, relationships, sexual practices, sexual satisfaction, and substance use. If this survey causes you any distress, you can exit the survey at any point by simply closing the browser window. In case of distress, the following services can help:

The survey takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete, depending on your responses. 

If you know of anyone who you think might be willing to participate in this survey, please forward them this link [website landing page]. We are looking for participants who have ever used PrEP, but also participants who have never used PrEP but who might be at risk of HIV.

Other research teams may request access to de-identified data obtained from these surveys. Access will only be granted if they agree to preserve the confidentiality of the information. Their access will also require approval from the X-PLORE research team as well as approval from the Human Research Ethics Committee at the Alfred Health.

If you have any questions or concerns about this research project, please contact our senior researchers on:


Alternatively, you can contact the Complaints Officer, Office of Ethics & Research Governance, Alfred Health, email research@alfred.org.au, phone (03) 9076 3619.

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