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We perform procedures to look at different areas of the digestive system to investigate symptoms or problems.

What we do

The procedures we perform include:

  • Gastroscopy - a camera which looks at your throat and stomach
  • Colonoscopy - a camera which looks at your large bowel
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy - a camera to look at your sigmoid (a section of large bowel)
  • ERCP - a procedure which looks at your pancreas and bile ducts
  • PEG insertion - a tube going into your stomach for food and medicine
  • Balloon enteroscopy - a camera which looks at your small bowel

We can perform interventions during your procedure, such as variceal banding, polyp removal and biopsies.

We are part of the Gastroenterology Service. We have senior Gastroenterologists and a Gastroenterologist Nurse Practitioner in our team.

Who we care for

We accept referrals from specialists within the hospital as well as GPs.

You may need to attend a Rapid Access Clinic and be seen by a Gastroenterologist prior to the procedure.

We can perform procedures when you are in hospital if clinically required. Otherwise all procedures are performed as an outpatient.

What to expect

Referral and booking process

When we receive a referral, we place you on the Endoscopy Waiting List. When you receive your waiting list letter, you will be asked to complete a Patient Health Questionnaire Form.

Once you or your GP have completed this form, you must return it to the Patient Services Centre before you can proceed. If you don't complete and return the form, you will be removed from the waiting list and will need a new referral.

Once the questionnaire has been reviewed by a nurse, depending on the urgency of the scope, you will either be:

  1. booked in for the procedure
  2. placed on a waiting list for a future date
  3. booked into RACE Clinic to be seen by a Gastroenterologist

Patients who are booked directly for their procedure are able to access clinic for further consult with Gastroenterology team if requested.

If you are having a colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy, you will need to take preparation medicine the day before the procedure. This ensures that the doctor can see the lining of the bowel clearly. You need to ensure that you follow the preparation instructions carefully, as the procedure may be cancelled otherwise. Instructions will be sent to you with your booking letter.

All procedures are performed under sedation, administered by an anaesthesiologist. You will need a person to pick you up following the procedure, as you will be unable to drive.

What to bring

Every time you come

  • Medicare card
  • Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
  • Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
  • Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
  • Previous X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
  • Medicines you need to take while you are here
  • Medications list (or the boxes), including over-the-counter supplements (e.g. herbal supplements, vitamins)
  • Glasses, hearing aids, or mobility aids, as needed

For a clinic appointment

  • Your appointment letter
  • Any special items listed on your letter
  • TAC or WorkCover claim number (if relevant)

For a day procedure

  • Responsible adult carer to stay with you to hear instructions, help you and take you home
  • Comfortable day clothes, such as a tracksuit

Our clinics

Clinic name Campus Location
Rapid Access Clinic for Endoscopy The Alfred 99 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
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