Acquired Brain Injury Community Rehabilitation

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ABI Community Rehabilitation program provides a specialist service to people with a severe brain injury and their carers from the Victorian community.

Clinical service overview

We are proud to provide 3 streams to clients in the community.

This includes:

  • Active, goal-directed rehabilitation
    • Multi-disciplinary (2 or more allied health disciplines)
    • Active therapy to work on goals developed by the client
    • 12 week goal cycles
  • A monitoring service
    • Periodic review functional change over time
    • Periodic review to prevent complications and/or monitor for potential for rehabilitation, for high dependency clients
    • Public Medicare funded (no cost to the client)
  • A registered NDIS service
    • Multi-disciplinary (2 or more allied health disciplines)
    • Maintenance supports, given or supervised by multi-disciplinary allied health team
    • Interim behavior support
    • Consultation to service providers who require specialist ABI advice
    • NDIS funded (no cost to the client)

Refer your patient

Make a referral

Eligibility criteria:

  • Client has a moderate to severe acquired brain injury of non-progressive pathology
  • Client is 18 years or over
  • Client must be medically stable and should have a GP willing to provide medical support (in consultation with a rehabilitation specialist available through our program).
  • Client’s rehabilitation goals or carer’s needs cannot be met by another public funded community service (eg. local Community Rehabilitation Centre)
  • Client will have potential to benefit from interdisciplinary intervention, by two or more Allied Health disciplines, to improve function, decrease disability, decrease level of care/ caregiver burden

Exclusion criteria:

  • Primary reason for referral is return to work only
  • Primary reason for referral is behaviour management only
  • Medico legal assessment and report (e.g., revoking Administration Order, testamentary capacity)
  • Referral for home modifications, equipment prescription, services or case management for clients recently discharged from another service or funding body (e.g. NDIS)
  • Requires only medical and/or single Allied Health discipline intervention

We also accept referrals for:

  • Clients who need periodic review (monitoring) in the community to establish a plan of care to prevent complications and/or monitor for potential for rehabilitation (e.g., clients with Disorder of Consciousness)

Please complete online referral and email to abicommunity& Please phone (03) 9076 7423 to discuss the referral with our intake team if you have any queries regarding eligibility to the service.


(03) 9076 7423


(03) 9076 4841

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