Acquired Brain Injury Transitional Living
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
Patients who graduate from the ABI Rehabilitation Centre and who require further skill development, will receive residential rehabilitation in this facility to build greater skills in independent living in a home-like environment before re-entering the community.
Referral criteria
Clients admitted to the Transitional Living Unit will have:
- An acquired brain injury of non-progressive pathology
- Identified goals to develop independent living skills in a community environment with minimal supports
- Identified rehabilitation goals which can best or only be managed in the home environment of the TLS
- Be medically stable.
- Be able to manage their own personal care, mobility and transfers with minimal prompts
- Be able to manage their own continence
- Be able to manage their medications independently
- Have no behaviour issues that cannot be managed within the staffing limitations
- Agree to the share house rules and actions arising from rule breaking
- Have a confirmed discharge destination in Victoria
Prior to admission to the TLS patients will be admitted to the ABI Service inpatient unit for a 2 week assessment and goal setting period prior to transfer into the TLS. During the inpatient stay patients will have:
- Personal care assessment
- Assessment of mobility and transfers
- Behavioural assessment
- Goal setting
- Risk assessment
- Medication management
TLS clients are expected to self-administer their own medication via a bubble pack. Some participants are able to do this, others require a period of supervision in the inpatient unit until they are independent. Clinicians are required to assess and regularly monitor participants’ ability to self-manage their medication.