Chronic Wound Clinic

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A specialised wound clinic which provides assessment, diagnosis, intervention and education for clients with wounds present for more than 4 weeks.

Clinical service overview

The clinic provides time-limited treatment plans for clients with chronic wounds which are difficult to heal or where the diagnosis is unclear. The staff will work with the client and their primary healthcare practitioner (GP, Bolton Clarke etc) regarding the ongoing wound management plan.

Refer your patient

Fax or email referral to us

Caulfield Access is responsible for intake, information and referral processing for a wide range of community and ambulatory services. 

We accept referrals from GPs and medical specialists.

Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre. 

To refer a patient to Chronic Wound Clinic:

  • Complete the Service Coordination Tool Template (SCTT)


  • Submit a Health Summary with details of the wound,  medical history,  medications and any relevant investigations

These should be sent to the Caulfield Access Unit electronically via the Access Inbox or fax (03) 9076 6773.

Consider making referrals for chronic conditions indefinite. 

Once a referral has been received, a Care Coordinator will phone the patient to discuss their needs and organise appropriate services. The Care Coordinator will provide the patient with their phone number. Patients are encouraged to contact the Care Coordinator if they have any concerns.

Referral enquiries

(03) 9076 6776

Referral fax

(03) 9076 6773

Referral email

Phone (once referral accepted)

(03) 9076 6800

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Tuesday Caulfield Hospital All day

Clinic consultants

  • Dr Katherine Rush: Geriatric Medicine
  • Dr Su Shian Lee: Geriatric Medicine

MBS-billed service

On the doctor’s behalf, Alfred Health can bulk bill the cost of the consultation for some services through Medicare. This means there is no out of pocket expense to the patient. 

MBS-billed services require a current referral. Provide your patient with a 12 month referral to see the specialist of your choice at the requested clinic. 

Referrals must be addressed to a named specialist or the Head of service, listed at the top of this page. Clinic consultants are listed on every clinic page.

Note that from time to time, your patient may be seen by another specialist in the clinic, in order to expedite their treatment.

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