HIV services & clinics
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
HIV Care at Alfred Health is provided through the Victorian HIV Service based at The Alfred and through The Green Room at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre.
As part of the Victorian HIV Service, we have numerous in-hospital, outpatient and community services available to the HIV-affected community of metropolitan Melbourne, and throughout rural and regional Victoria.
We are heavily involved in clinical research, and our strong partnerships with researchers and the community enables us to ensure our patients have access to latest treatments and research trials.
In-hospital care
We provide HIV treatment and care through inpatient services on Ward 7 West and the Fairfield Centre a sub-acute inpatient service (Mon - Fri) which opened in 2024 replacing Fairfield House.
People living with HIV may be admitted to hospital for a wide range of health conditions. Because of these varied conditions, other medical teams may be involved in your care. During your time in hospital the HIV service will be continue to be involved where required. The other clinical specialties across Alfred Health have treated many people living with HIV over many years and are used to collaborating with your HIV team if needed.
Outpatient care
We have the largest and most comprehensive range of HIV outpatient services in Victoria, focusing on HIV care and related health issues. Our Infectious Diseases Physicians offer appointments across the week.
In addition to our general HIV outpatient care we have some specialised HIV clinics which include:
- Mental health/psychiatry
- Drug and alcohol
- Hepatitis C co-infection
- Neurocognitive
- HIV complex metabolic
Outreach clinics are provided at Wodonga, Sale, Mildura and Bendigo.
Our Share Care Service supports GPs across the state, including rural and regional areas, to manage the care of people living with HIV in their relevant communities.
In addition to working at the Alfred and supporting our outreach programs, our specialist HIV nurses also work across clinics at Western Health, Northern Hospital, Royal Women’s Hospital, Royal Children’s Hospital and Frankston Hospital.
Alfred Health via Melbourne Sexual Health Centre also provide a specialist clinic for people living with HIV through The Green Room
HIV Outward Program
Specialist HIV nursing, social work and other support staff work closely with the HIV medical team at The Alfred to provide a range of unique home and community-focused clinical services across the state.
These services include:
- Secondary consultation and advice, ongoing care coordination and service linkage for patients across the state
- Support in accessing aged care services and ongoing HIV care within these services
- Support for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities
- HIV Social Work services to assist with adjustment to HIV diagnosis, finances, housing, relationships, accessing government assistance and services and accessing legal support
- New HIV diagnosis support and linkage
- Complex care management for people with complex HIV health and psychosocial issues
- Care coordination for patients with HIV mental health diagnoses along with secondary consultation and service linkage into mainstream mental health services
HIV prevention services
We provide two HIV prevention services across Victoria
- The Victorian NPEP Service provides information and advice on NPEP and facilitates access to NPEP across the state
- The Victorian PrEP Service provides information and advice on PrEP and facilitates access to PrEP across the state focused on people who do not have medicare access
HIV clinical support/advice to GPs and clinical services
The service also supports other health services (including GPs) to meet the clinical care needs of people living with HIV in their relevant communities, ensuring they have the most up-to-date care and health monitoring. We provide specialist advice and support, share-care arrangements and mentoring.
Refer your patient
(03) 9076 3658
(03) 9076 8819