Nutrition & Dietetics

Health professional information

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The aim of the service is to assist in optimising patients' health, nutritional status and quality of life. We perform nutritional assessments, prescribe therapeutic diets and/or nutritional support and provide dietary counselling and education.

Clinical service overview

We care for:

Nutrition and Dietetics have staffed based at The Alfred, Sandringham and Caulfield Hospitals. The department is organised into seven clinical streams.

Qualified dietitians provide services to all clinical areas in the hospital. Speciality areas include:

Teaching and training

There is a strong relationship with both Monash University and La Trobe University, and the department is integral to clinical teaching and training of both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

There are also observerships and work experience opportunities offered through the department. Visit the Allied Health workforce page for more information.

We welcome inquiries and accept calls from external services.

Nutrition & dietetics research

Visit our research page for further information.

History of Dietetics at Alfred Health

Our Nutrition & Dietetics department was first established on January 6, 1930 with the first dietitian in the State of Victoria to have university training.

Alfred Health was among the first to appoint a dietitian as the administrative head responsible for the entire food service operations and the training of student dietitians. This commitment to education led to the initiation of Australia's first training course for dietitians, The Alfred Hospital Certificate of Dietetics, which began on March 1, 1930.

This rich heritage continues to inform and inspire our commitment to excellence in nutritional care and education at Alfred Health. [1]

1. Wood B. Australia's pioneer dietitians: the first decades 1929 to 1950. Melbourne: Beverley Wood; 2022. Chapter 5, Alfred Hospital, 1930; p. 59-78.

Refer your patient

Internal referrals only

We accept referrals for inpatients and patients who have been referred internally from Alfred Health services.

For community accessible outpatient clinics, refer to Caulfield Community Health Service (CCHS) or Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) via the Caulfield Access Unit.

Referral enquiries (CCHS)

(03) 9076 6666

Referral fax (CCHS)

(03) 9076 6773

Enquiries email (CCHS)

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