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We provide a unique service to disabled and/or injured persons requiring an orthosis or assistive device for the treatment of neuromuscular or musculoskeletal deficit secondary to disease, trauma or congenital disorders.

Clinical service overview

We care for: 

  • inpatients at all three hospital sites
  • outpatients who have been referred from a clinical service within Alfred Health

The Alfred Orthotic Department consists of clinicians and allied health assistants who are responsible for a clinical assessment and evaluation leading to the custom designing, fabrication, development and fitting of an Orthosis. Our expertise ranges from those requiring custom foot orthoses, custom spinal orthoses and knee braces, however we can design any orthosis or brace that is required.

The service plays a crucial role in the treatment of acute trauma patients at the Alfred and aims to assist in early stabilisation and mobilisation of these patients. We also have very close links to the surgical and medical units within the Alfred, including areas such as TraumaOrthopaedicsNeurosurgeryPlastics and Rheumatology. In addition a comprehensive outpatient service is offered to patients on discharge.

At Caulfield Hospital, we run an Prosthetics Service and amputee clinic.

A strong alliance with universities, research facilities, other hospitals and suppliers has resulted in high quality products, knowledge and experience in all facets of Orthotics.

Refer your patient

No referrals accepted

Unfortunately we do not accept external referrals to this service.

Special referral instructions

Private referrals can be made however they will be subject to funding.
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