Emergency at Sandringham

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The Sandringham Hospital Emergency Department provides a 24 hour, 7 days a week service to the community for all emergencies or when a person becomes suddenly unwell or is injured.
Behind the desk at Sandringham ED

Clinical service overview

Sandringham Emergency has an increasing number of patients seen each year with over 33,000 patients in 2010, 30% of them children.

There are 6 main clinical areas:

  • Assessment Area RITZ: 3 bays for rapid intervention and treatment
  • Resuscitation Area: 2 bays equipped for patient resuscitation
  • Acute Area: 7 bays with patient monitoring equipment
  • Fast Track and Consulting rooms: 6 treatment areas, including facilities for procedures such as suturing, plastering, eye examination and ENT examination
  • Short Stay Unit: 8 short stay beds for emergency patient admissions
  • Sandringham Ambulatory Care Centre (SACC): external GP Clinic supporting low risk patients adjacent to Sandringham Emergency

Sandringham Emergency is equipped to see all paediatric and adult emergencies for assessment and stabilisation.

Patients can be admitted to Sandringham Hospital or may be transferred to another hospital as required.

Sandringham Hospital is part of Alfred Health and has established links to The Alfred for medical and surgical subspecialty referrals.

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No referral needed

Patients do not need a referral to access this service.

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Get in touch:
In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000