Victorian PrEP Service
Health professional information
PrEP has been listed on the PBS since 1 April 2018. It can be readily prescribed by any GP throughout Australia. Contact the PrEP Service if you have any clinical or questions about prescribing PrEP.
The Alfred provided a key research leadership role prior to the PBS listing which provided access to PrEP via the PrEPX Study. The Alfred continues to provide leadership in the area of HIV Prevention and PrEP, our focus on is on leading clinical care initiatives and PEP/PrEP access, GP and health service education and continuing to lead HIV prevention/PrEP research.
Clinical service overview
Clinical Care
The Victorian PrEP Service provides PrEP clinics at The Alfred hospital and partner outreach health services and provides:
- Nurse led telephone information service for people wanting to start PrEP or seeking general advice about PrEP
- Specialist Medicare Ineligible Clinic
- Telephone consultation for GPs to assist with commencing patients on PrEP and for specialist advice on managing patients with complex health conditions
- Innovative service responses - developing clinical responses or projects focused on addressing PrEP service barriers and gaps.
Education - Health Professionals and Services
- Provide education sessions on request to GP practices and health services
- Provide In partnership with VHHITAL provide education sessions across Victoria targeting GPs
- Support community and peer based organisations running community focused education on PrEP
- The service continues to undertake research relating to PrEP. The XPlore Study is a follow up study post PrEPX which aims to follow people who enrolled in PrEPX for a further 5 years.
PrEP fact sheet - AFAO
This fact sheet provided by the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO) explains what PrEP access through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) means for those accessing this medicine.
251 KB
Victorian guidance on PrEP
This document provides medical practitioners with information on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission.
544 KB
ASHM Australian PrEP Guidelines
ASHM PrEP GP online learning module
Evidence informing clinical guidance for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is rapidly evolving. This online learning module provides guidance for general practitioners to better understand and safely prescribe PrEP.
Pathology Guide - Collection of samples for STI screen (MSM)
357 KB
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