Wound Management

Health professional information

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We work with medical teams in the hospital to provide expert wound management, education and care for patients with complex acute wounds and chronic (greater than 4-6 weeks duration) non-healing wounds.

Clinical service overview

We have a particular interest in pressure injury prevention (PIP) and management. We work with staff to put in place strategies to stop the development of pressure injuries, as well as how to care for them if they arise.

We review all pressure injuries which have occurred in-hospital and monitor their progress. We provide ongoing education around PIP and management with an aim of reducing the occurance and severity of PIP throughout the hospital.

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Unfortunately we do not accept external referrals to this service.

Our clinics

Clinic name Campus Location
Chronic Wound Clinic Caulfield Hospital 260 Kooyong Rd, Caulfield VIC 3162


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