Marfan Syndrome & Inherited Aortopathy Clinic

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The Marfan Syndrome & Inherited Aortopathy Clinic at The Alfred is the most experienced multidisciplinary group of specialists in Melbourne. Our mission is to make a positive impact and provide people with the best possible health outcomes.

What we do

The clinic provides cutting-edge treatment for people with suspected or confirmed inherited aortopathy such as Marfan or Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Our pioneering, highly skilled clinical team provides a complete service including access to diagnostic testing, genetic screening, prescription and surgical treatments as well as clinical trial research, education and support.

What is Marfan syndrome & Inherited Aortopathy?

Marfan syndrome is a condition which affects connective tissue and can cause the aorta (the main artery carrying blood out of the heart) to become enlarged. In the longer term, there is a risk this can lead to rupture which can be prevented with early intervention. People may also have problems with their joints, muscles, bones, lungs, nerves, heart valves and eyes.

Who we care for

We provide comprehensive care for people with suspected or confirmed inherited aortopathy. All diagnostic tests and procedures are performed in-house by our specialised team. We also provide up-to-date screening advice for relatives of affected family members.

What to expect

At your first appointment you will meet with one of our specialist cardiologists who will speak with you about your symptoms and medical history. The clinic offers a complete range of cutting-edge tests and treatment including access to other specialists such as ophthalmology (eye specialists).

Our clinical team may recommend that people with inherited aortopathy and their relatives consider specific genetic testing. Our compassionate genetic counsellors are available to support patients and their families through the process.

In some cases, our specialist cardiologists may recommend surgical procedures such as aortic repair or replacement.

Our team

The Marfan Syndrome & Inherited Aortopathy clinic at The Alfred includes senior cardiologist Associate Professor James Shaw and Professor Silvana Marasco, Director of Cardiac Surgery. Alongside our medical specialists, the service includes experienced cardiac nurses, genetic counsellors, pharmacists and cardiac technologists. We are a leading cardiac research centre and we work in close collaboration with Monash University and the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute to provide our patients with cutting-edge treatments and clinical trial opportunities.

How to access this clinic

Referral from your GP or specialist

We accept referrals from GPs and other cardiology services or cardiologists (public or private).

We also accept GP referrals if you are a relative of an affected family member. Please include as much information about the affected family member as is available including clinic letters and test results.

Once you are a patient of the service (after referral accepted) the following details can be used to reschedule an appointment:

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Monday The Alfred Morning

Clinic consultants

  • A/Prof James Shaw: Cardiology
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