Patient information
What we do
We offer a rapid, allied health service provided by a physiotherapist or occupational therapist who specialise in falls prevention and interventions to people who have fallen.
Who we care for
Our service is provided to patients who are:
- 65 years and older
- living independently
- who live in the cites of Port Phillip, Glen Eira or Stonnington
What to expect
After a fall, the STRIDE clinician will ensure that further emergency care is not required by conducting a thorough post-falls assessment.
Following this, the clinician will complete a falls risk assessment and work closely with you to develop a management plan.
This plan may include:
- a complete home review with recommendations to ensure you can move confidently and safely around your home
- assisting you with ways to enhance your physical activity for better balance, fitness and wellbeing
- advice on strategies to enhance your vitality and confidence to remain living independently
How to access this service
Ambulance Victoria or Emergency & Trauma Centre
Referrals to the service are made via Ambulance Victoria or the Allied Health team at The Alfred Emergency & Trauma Centre.
All patient resourcesIn Case Of An Emergency, Call 000