Graduate Nurse Programs

Your Alfred Health nursing career starts here!

Our Graduate Nurse Programs are designed for first year registered nurses and provide a supportive environment for the consolidation and further development of knowledge and skills, preparing you for future career opportunities. 

Nursing staff at station

Graduate Nurse Program (General Nursing)

Our Graduate Nurse Program (General Nursing) is conducted at The Alfred, Caulfield Hospital and Sandringham Hospital.

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Nurses handing over

Graduate Nurse Program (Mental and Addiction Health)

Our Graduate Nurse Program (Mental and Addiction Health) is conducted at The Alfred.

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Registering to practice as a Nurse

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Nursing & Midwifery Board manages registration for nurses and midwives.

Visit the Nursing & Midwifery Board

Benefits of working at Alfred Health

Alfred Health staff can access a great range of workplace benefits and discounts.

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Alfred Health Graduate Nurse Program information sessions

The in-person & virtual Information sessions for prospective graduates interested in the 2025 Alfred Health Graduate Nurse Program have been conducted.

If you missed it, below is a Teams recording of the virtual event and a collection of the Main FAQ’s.

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