Prof David Kaye holding up the Total Artificial Heart


Beach umbrella
New melanoma guidelines could help save lives
9 October 2017
Experts from the Victorian Melanoma Service at The Alfred have recommended new melanoma detection guidelines that could prevent more people dying from the deadly skin cancer.
research & innovation
PrEPX Study Expands to Tasmania
21 September 2017
Victoria’s largest study into HIV prevention medication will expand into Tasmania following funding from the Tasmania Department of Health, the study begins next Monday 25 September. 
research & innovation
The Alfred from Commercial Road. Ambulance driving in front.
Flu season leads to busiest ED on record
15 September 2017
This week, The Alfred has experienced its busiest winter period on record in the Emergency Department, with 610 people needing urgent care in just three days.
emergency & trauma
Professor Mark Fitzgerald & Dr Peter Finnegan trial the glasses
High-tech trauma glasses a vision of the future
13 September 2017
High-tech glasses for trauma doctors have the potential to change emergency resuscitation at The Alfred, starting next year.
emergency & trauma
research & innovation
The truth about apricot kernels
12 September 2017
A man who took apricot kernel extract in the hope of preventing cancer was almost poisoned by cyanide, doctors at The Alfred found.
research & innovation
Plan now for Thunderstorm Asthma season
7 September 2017
Spring marks the start of thunderstorm asthma season (1 September – 31 December) and doctors at the Alfred Hospital are urging people to start taking preventative measures, even if they have not suffered from asthma before.
Professor Wendy Brown
Hidden cancers preying on dads
31 August 2017
This Father’s Day, Professor Wendy Brown is warning dads about the dangers of rare ‘hidden cancers’ that will impact around 5000 Australian men this year.
Professor Peter Kistler
New research reverses risk of heart failure
30 August 2017
A life-changing discovery in heart research has revealed a one-off procedure to treat a common condition can also reverse heart failure and eliminate the need for lifelong medication in some patients.
research & innovation
Salads at Alf's Cafe
Trial takes aim at unhealthy food sales
24 August 2017
Alfred Health has successfully slashed sales of unhealthy foods across all hospital sites by 30,000 meals each year as part of a new trial to tackle obesity and promote healthy eating. 
Brett Mumford with his sons, Jarvis and Casey
Be a healthy hero, not a superman, this Father’s Day
21 August 2017
Last year, The Alfred provided care to more than 8,000 trauma patients – more than any other hospital in Australia.