Fast action saves lives

2 August 2021

When experiencing a stroke, fast action plays a major role in recovery potential.

Stroke is due to a sudden interruption of blood and oxygen flow to the brain. It is caused by either a blocked or ruptured 'pipe' or artery in the brain and can impact people of all ages.

Alfred Health Director of Stoke Services, Professor Geoffrey Cloud said recognising the signs and symptoms of stroke is crucial for a positive outcome.

“When stroke happens, the area of the brain affected loses function. Depending on which part of the brain this is, loss of function can cause symptoms such as sudden loss or slurring of speech, loss or change in vision, loss of strength or sensation down part or the whole of one side of the body, or sudden loss of balance,” Professor Cloud said.

“The Face Arm Speech Time to call 000 (FAST) test is a good way of helping to determine if you or anyone you are with, should suddenly develop symptoms.

“Check their face to note for any change, see if they can lift both arms, listen for any change in speech, especially slurring, and most importantly, call Triple 0 straight away.”

“Stroke is an emergency. The sooner treatment can be started the better. Time is brain.”

While fast action plays a major role in a positive outcome, Alfred Health Stroke Nurse Educator Estelle Hamson said more than 80 per cent of strokes are preventable.

“High blood pressures is the leading modifiable risk factor for stroke and the most preventable cause of stroke worldwide, “ Estelle said.

“Maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

In 2020, there were 27,428 Australians who experienced stroke for the first time in their lives, which equates to one stroke every 19 minutes – an alarming number that can be so much lower.”

emergency & trauma