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24 July 2023
Steven Fletcher-Jones received a lung transplant this year. Steven is standing in a park in front of The Alfred Hospital.
Steven Fletcher-Jones received a lung transplant this year.

Earlier this year, Steven Fletcher-Jones underwent a lung transplant at The Alfred, thanks to the generosity of an anonymous organ donor. It's Donate Life Week, and we're urging everyone to register to become an organ donor so that you too could have the chance to save a life.

Steven Fletcher- Jones knew something was wrong when he couldn’t breathe properly one day while working at Falls Creek during the 2016 snow season. He left the mountain in an ambulance and was diagnosed with pneumonia and the flu, which led to bronchiectasis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).

After he thought he’d recovered from pneumonia, Steven returned to the mountain, but still couldn’t breathe properly because of the altitude. He was then diagnosed with Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID), an immune disorder characterized by recurrent infections and low antibody levels, specifically in immunoglobulin.

In a very short amount of time, Steve went from being a busy Executive Chef to someone who stayed home most of the time due to the rapid deterioration of his lungs. He was told he would need a lung transplant.

After 15 long months on the waitlist, the father of five received the call to say he would be getting a transplant. He had just four hours to get to The Alfred hospital from his home in regional Victoria. He vividly recalls his thoughts at the time; “It didn’t seem real. It felt like I was dreaming. Like I was in la-la-land.”

When Steve thinks about the generosity of his donor and their family he says, “If I could give them a cuddle, I’d love to. I really would. I’d give them the biggest cuddle in the world and say ‘I’m looking after them for you. They’re still here, they’re going strong and because of their donation, I’m still here, and my family gets a chance’.”

Steven has a new lease on life and he and his wife Christine could not be more grateful. They are urging everyone to consider registering to become an organ donor. 

Could you donate one minute to give someone a lifetime? Register at Donate Life or with 3 taps in your Medicare app.

lung transplant
organ donation