How does the NDIS work?

Although the NDIS is an entirely new way of paying for support and can seem very complex, Alfred Health staff are here to help you with the following four steps.

1. Register with the NDIS to have your eligibility assessed

Alfred Health staff can help you so the NDIA can determine if you are eligible for funding under the scheme. (You or your carer will need to give consent for Alfred staff to perform this work.)

Visit the NDIS website to to get started.

2. Write a plan

You need to develop a plan so the NDIS staff understand how you will meet your goals.

Your goals will outline the support, care, therapies, equipment or other resources you will need.

It is important to do this planning with family, carers, and your health team as they can help to make sure your plan says everything you need it to.

Your Alfred Health team will support you in pre-planning preparation to ensure you have all the information you require prior to your planning meeting, including developing written documents about the help you need from the NDIS when you leave hospital. These documents can provide you with additional material that can help support you during the NDIS Planning Meeting.

3. Planning meeting

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the government organisation that runs the NDIS. A meeting will be arranged with an NDIA representative or a Local Area Coordinator (LAC), such as the Brotherhood of St Laurence.

In the planning meeting, you need to present the planner with information on what you need in your NDIS plan and a proposed plan for approval. Proposed plans are measured against criteria that is considered reasonable and necessary to live an ordinary life.

If you are still in hospital when your NDIS Planning meeting occurs, it may be helpful to have your Occupational Therapist attend the meeting with you so that you have support from a member of your treating team.

You may also benefit from requesting a Support Coordinator who will be responsible for helping you with implementing your NDIS plan.

You will also be given the option to have your NDIS funds managed by a third party (Plan Management).

Please speak to your Social Worker who can provide further information to you about Support Coordination and Plan Management prior to your NDIS planning meeting.

4. Plan approval and funding

When your plan is approved, you receive your funding and have freedom to choose your own service providers, care and support. You might also be offered a support coordinator and if needed, another person might be asked to help you manage your money.

Tip: Be ready for your planning meeting. Be informed and know exactly what you are asking for in your plan.