While you are here
Plan your time here, understand how you get involved in your care and your rights & responsibilities.
Are you at hospital for a clinic appointment, day procedure or an operation? Do you have a loved one in hospital you are visiting? Find out more so you can plan your time here.
You can also find information for before you arrive and when you leave.

Find out about staying in hospital
We want to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
What do I need to know if staying at The Alfred?
What food is offered and can I bring my own?
What are the visiting hours?
Help with directions around The Alfred

Our commitment to you
Find out about your rights and responsibilites.
Your rights & responsibilities
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander patients

Get involved in your care and work with your healthcare team
You, your family and friends are an important part of the healthcare team.
Your healthcare team
Get involved in your care
Let me know
Teaching, education and research

Keeping you safe and comfortable
We can work together to keep you safe during your stay.
Keeping you safe & comfortable
What happens to the information about me?