Nursing research

Nursing Research at Alfred Health aims to:

  • Conduct high quality research that improves patient and organisational outcomes
  • Strengthen research training and support for nursing staff within Alfred Health
  • Facilitate the integration of research evidence into clinical practice
  • Develop partnerships between consumers, staff and researchers to strengthen research, education and health service delivery
  • Provide advice, leadership and research expertise for nursing practice, education, policy makers and professional organisations

We have four concurrent programs of research that are focused on clinical decision making in the health service and improving the quality and safety patient care.

The programs are:

  • Patient safety
  • Symptom management
  • Health service evaluation
  • Integrated knowledge translation & implementation science

We have partnered with Deakin University’s Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research - Alfred Health Partnership, part of the Institute for Health Transformation establishing joint clinical and academic positions, research higher degree training and research supervision.

Our researchers conduct multi-disciplinary clinical and health services research focused on improving patient outcomes and health systems. The research programs are linked closely with the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, generating research evidence, working with knowledge users, disseminating evidence, informing policy, and assisting clinicians and consumers to use evidence to increase impact.

Our researchers have skills in quantitative and qualitative research methods. We conduct all types of systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, surveys, observations, interviews, and process evaluations. We collaborate with world-class national and international researchers, multi-disciplinary clinicians, consumers, and policy makers.

For more information on research projects, programs and opportunities for research training, please contact

Patient engagement in transitions of care

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Care bundle to prevent pressure injury

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Patient participation in patient safety

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Goals of Care Discussions Over the Course of a Patient's End of Life Admission: A Retrospective Study

Perera N, Gold M, O'Driscoll L, Katz NT

(2022), Am J Hosp Palliat Care, 39(6), 652-8

DOI: 10.1177/10499091211035322

Enteral nutrition feeding practices by intensive care nurses: A retrospective evaluation

Crossfield CL, Russo PL, Bucknall TK

(2022), Nurs Crit Care, 27(5), 676-81

DOI: 10.1111/nicc.12609

Trends and risk factors for omission of early thromboprophylaxis in Australian and New Zealand ICUs between 2009 and 2020

Sahle BW, Pilcher D, Peter K, McFadyen JD, Bucknall T

(2022), INTENS CARE MED, 48(5), 590-8

DOI: 10.1007/s00134-022-06672-7

View all publications for Nursing research