Research publications

Alfred Health research outcomes are published in a wide range of peer reviewed journals. 

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Pathergy: A review of potential mechanisms and novel therapeutic targets

Honigman A, Kern JS, Frew JW

(2022), Journal of the Australian Wound Management Association, 30(1), 55-61

DOI: 10.33235/wpr.30.1.55-61

Pyoderma gangrenosum: A review of patient's demographics, disease and treatment in 118 patients

Honigman A, Kelly RI

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(2), 267-9

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13840

Sensitivity of two Australian melanoma risk tools to identify high-risk individuals among people presenting with their first primary melanoma

Tan K, Lo SN, Cust AE, Wolfe R, Mar V

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(3), 352-8

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13841

Sentinel lymph node biopsy rates in Victoria, 2018 and 2019

Watts C, Spillane A, Henderson MA, Cust A, Braithwaite J, Gyorki DE, Hong AM, Kelly JW, Long GV, Mar VJ, Menzies AM, Morton RL, Rapport F, Saw RPM, Schmid H, Scolyer RA, Smith AL, Winder A, Mann GJ

(2022), MED J AUSTRALIA, 217(4), 208-9

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51424

Assessing the value of precision medicine health technologies to detect and manage melanoma

Mahumud RA, Janda M, Soyer HP, Fernández-Peñas P, Mar VJ, Morton RL

(2022), MED J AUSTRALIA, 217(6), 275-8

DOI: 10.5694/mja2.51696

Association Between Low-Dose Methotrexate Exposure and Melanoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Yan MK, Wang C, Wolfe R, Mar VJ, Wluka AE

(2022), JAMA Dermatol, 158(10), 1157-66

DOI: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2022.3337

Assessing the Generalizability of Deep Learning Models Trained on Standardized and Nonstandardized Images and Their Performance Against Teledermatologists: Retrospective Comparative Study

Oloruntoba AI, Vestergaard T, Nguyen TD, Yu Z, Sashindranath M, Betz-Stablein B, Soyer HP, Ge Z, Mar V

(2022), JMIR Dermatology, 5(3), e35150

DOI: 10.2196/35150

Impact of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia on melanoma outcomes: A retrospective case-control study

Jobson D, McCormack CJ, Mar V, Tam C, Henderson MA

(2022), BRIT J HAEMATOL, 197(3), 320-5

DOI: 10.1111/bjh.18090

Diagnostic Dermoscopy: the Illustrated Guide 2nd Edition John Wiley & Sons Ltd (Oxford)

Bowling J, Paoli J & Chamberlain A (Co-editors)


Developing an Australian Melanoma Clinical Outcomes Registry (MelCOR): a protocol paper

Jobson D, Roffey B, Best R, Button-Sloan A, Cossio D, Evans S, Shang C, Moore J, Arnold C, Mann G, Shackleton M, Soyer HP, Morton RL, Zalcberg J, Mar V

(2022), BMJ Open, 12(9), e062139

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-062139

Under the Skin - A Dermatologist's Fight to Save the NHS

Chamberlain AJ

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(4), 515-6

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13914

Improving Skin cancer Management with ARTificial Intelligence (SMARTI): protocol for a preintervention/postintervention trial of an artificial intelligence system used as a diagnostic aid for skin cancer management in a specialist dermatology setting

Felmingham C, MacNamara S, Cranwell W, Williams N, Wada M, Adler NR, Ge Z, Sharfe A, Bowling A, Haskett M, Wolfe R, Mar V

(2022), BMJ Open, 12(1), e050203

DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050203

Early detection of skin cancer in Australia - current approaches and new opportunities

Janda M, Olsen CM, Mar J, Cust AE

(2022), Public Health Research and Practice, 32(1), 3212204

DOI: 10.17061/phrp3212204

Effect of Aspirin on Melanoma Incidence in Older Persons: Extended Follow-up of a Large Randomized Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial

Yan MK, Orchard SG, Adler NR, Wolfe R, McLean C, Rodriguez LM, Woods RL, Gibbs P, Chan AT, Haydon A, Mar VJ

(2022), Cancer Prev Res, 15(6), 365-75

DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-21-0244

Association between hypertension and cutaneous melanoma, and the effect of aspirin: extended follow-up of a large randomised controlled trial

Yan MK, Orchard SG, Adler NR, Wolfe R, McLean C, Rodríguez LM, Woods RL, Gibbs P, Chan AT, Haydon A, Mar VJ

(2022), Cancer Epidemiol, 79, 102173

DOI: 10.1016/j.canep.2022.102173

Development of melanoma clinical quality indicators for the Australian melanoma clinical outcomes registry (MelCOR): A modified Delphi study

Jobson D, Roffey B, Arnold C, Azzi A, Button-Sloan A, Dawson T, Fernandez-Penas P, Fishburn P, Gyorki DE, Hiscutt EL, Jakrot V, Lilleyman A, Lochhead A, Long GV, Mailer S, Mann G, McCormack CJ, Muir J, Pratt GF, Scolyer RA, Shackelton M, Shumack S, Soyer HP, Tan CG, Webb A, Zalcberg J, Morton R, Mar V

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(3), 344-51

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13848

Yield of baseline imaging for distant metastases in high-risk primary melanoma

Yan MK, Adler NR, Pan Y, Chamberlain A, Kelly J, Yap K, Voskoboynik M, Haydon A, Shackleton M, Mar VJ

(2022), J Surg Oncol, 125(8), 1312-7

DOI: 10.1002/jso.26846

Cardiovascular disease and malignant melanoma

Wang CY, Zoungas S, Voskoboynik M, Mar V

(2022), Melanoma Res, 32(3), 135-141

DOI: 10.1097/CMR.0000000000000817

Legal and ethical considerations of artificial intelligence in skin cancer diagnosis

Jobson D, Mar V, Freckelton I

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(1), e1-5

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13690

Effect of methotrexate on melanoma risk in older adults: Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial

Yan MK, Wolfe R, Orchard SG, Ernst ME, Mar VJ

(2022), Australas J Dermatol, 63(1), 114-5

DOI: 10.1111/ajd.13727