Patient information
The Audiology and Otoneurology Diagnostic Service provides a specialty service that excels in the assessment and management of disorders of the ear, including hearing impairment, balance disturbance, dizziness and communication problems.
What we do
We provide:
- assessment of ear and hearing problems
- assessment of balance disorders and dizziness
- advice about tinnitis
- advice about suitability for hearing aids and assistive listening technology
Who we care for
We provide assessment and treatment for people who are:
- referred to specialist medical services, such as Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), Neurology or Neurosurgery for opinion, assessment and management of hearing and balance issues
- referred to the Hyperbaric Service
- commencing therapy which may impact hearing, such as chemotherapy
Inpatients at the Alfred Hospital may be seen for assessment if required.
Inpatients at the Caulfield Hospital may be seen for hearing and communication support.
There are no diagnostic assessment facilities available at Caulfield or Sandringham Hospitals.
How to access this service
If you have hearing problems your GP can refer you to the Ear Nose & Throat (ENT) clinic. Audiology can assess your hearing on the same afternoon as the ENT appointment if required.
If you have balance problems your GP can refer you to Ear Nose & Throat clinic or a Neurology clinic. The specialist doctor can refer to us for further investigation.
What to bring
Every time you come
- Medicare card
- Health Care Card and/or concession card (if you have one)
- Private health insurance card (if applicable/if you want to use it)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- Previous X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- Medications list (or the boxes), including over-the-counter supplements (e.g. herbal supplements, vitamins)
- Glasses, hearing aids, or mobility aids, as needed
For a clinic appointment
- Your appointment letter
- Any special items listed on your letter
- TAC or WorkCover claim number (if relevant)
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