headspace and early psychosis
Patient information
What we do
We help young people with their general health, sexual health, mental health, or work and study and also offer alcohol and other drug support.
Services include:
- Physical and sexual health
- Mental health counselling provided by psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists
- Drug and alcohol counselling
- Work and study support
- Support for families, carers and friends of young people
Alfred Health is the lead agency for headspace Bentleigh, headspace Elsternwick and headspace Syndal.
Who we care for
headspace provides support, information and advice to young people aged 12 to 25.
headspace Early Psychosis
headspace Early Psychosis offers specialist support for young people who are experiencing, or at increased risk of developing, psychosis. Psychosis is an experience where a person interprets the world differently to others. They might see or hear things that other people can’t, or have unusual ideas or beliefs. This can affect their thoughts, feelings or behaviour.
Our team is here to support young people and their families navigate this experience and take steps towards recovery.
The Early Psychosis program operates seven days a week (including public holidays) and also provides access to mental health professionals, study and work support, group activities and help for family and friends.
In South East Melbourne, there are five headspace centres that work closely together to offer this program including headspace Bentleigh, Elsternwick, Frankston, Dandenong and Narre Warren. If you or someone you know could benefit from learning more, please call (03) 9076 9400. You can also read more about early psychosis here.
discovery college
discovery college creates and runs courses about mental health and wellbeing, that are free and open to everyone.
Courses are co-designed by teams of experts from different backgrounds including mental health professionals, young people with lived and living experience, families, friends and carers. Courses explore topics such as suicide, psychosis, anxiety, mindfulness and sensory modulation.
But isn’t this just for young people? Well, young people live in communities, they have families and friends and they access services run by professionals. discovery college builds and runs courses that focus on the experiences of young people and open the courses up to everyone, because the more communities know about how to support young people, the better off young people (and their communities) will be.
Find out more by visiting the discovery college website.
What to expect
headspace is designed to make it easy as possible for a young person and their family to get the help they need for problems affecting their wellbeing.
Once you have located your nearest centre please ring or email to speak with one of our friendly reception team members who will assist you to make an appointment. You can ask a friend, teacher, parent, health worker or any trusted person to contact the centre on your behalf if you wish.
Commonly asked questions
How to access this service
Contact us directly
Young people, family, friends, carers, and other service providers can contact us directly to access our services by calling Bentleigh on 9076 9400 or Elsternwick on 9076 7500. You will initially speak to an administrative person who will book you in for a call back from our Intake Team at the soonest availability.