Occupational Respiratory Clinic

Health professional information

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We provide assessment and care for patients at risk of respiratory disease as a result of their work, with an initial focus on silica-exposed workers from the stone benchtop industry.

Clinical service overview

We conduct one day respiratory health assessments, where we aim to determine if lung disease is present and provide a management plan. Where appropriate we provide ongoing care and treatment to patients diagnosed with work-related respiratory conditions, including silicosis.

Refer your patient

Referral from WorkSafe Victoria

Stonemasons may be eligible for a free initial assessment funded by WorkSafe Victoria. Please contact WorkSafe Victoria to determine if you are eligible.  More information is available from the WorkSafe Victoria website. WorkSafe Victoria will then refer you to our clinic, if appropriate.

Once we receive the referral from WorkSafe Victoria, we will contact you to arrange a suitable time to attend for tests and a clinic appointments. You may be required to attend a location convenient to you for a blood test and chest CT scan 1 - 2 weeks before the clinic appointment. On the day you attend the Alfred clinic, you will have a breathing test and an appointment with a specialist physician.


(03) 9076 7617


(03) 9076 9985

Clinic times

Day Campus Time
Monday The Alfred 9.00am - 5.00pm
Thursday The Alfred 9.00am - 5.00pm

Clinic consultants

  • Dr Ryan Hoy: Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
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