End-stage COPD Treatment Clinic
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
This clinic offers advanced medical and surgical techniques for the management and treatment of end-stage emphysema and its symptoms. We have access to and expertise in new and novel treatments for emphysema as well as research projects.
This service is aimed at patients with end-stage emphysema or COPD patients who are no longer responding to conventional medical therapy.
Refer your patient
Fax referral to us
We accept GP and specialist referrals to this service.
All referrals are triaged by the service according to clinical urgency. Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre.
To refer your patient, complete and fax a referral to us. For urgent referrals, also contact the service Registrar to discuss the case.
To ensure appropriate and timely triage, include all demographic and clinical details as well as relevant investigation results.
If you are concerned about any delay of the appointment or if there is any deterioration in your patient’s condition, contact the service Registrar on call on (03) 9076 2000.
(03) 9076 2000
Special referral instructions
Prior to referral to this clinic, the following investigations must be performed and reports sent along with the referral: 1. Recent Respiratory function tests that include lung volumes and diffusion (TLCO) 2. Recent radiology – CXR and CT scans of the chest
Clinic times
Day | Campus | Time |
Friday | The Alfred | 9.00am - 12.30pm |
Clinic consultants
- Mr Julian Gooi: Cardiothoracic Surgery & Transplantation
- Dr Miranda Paraskeva: Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
- A/Prof Eli Dabscheck: Allergy, Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
- Prof Gregory Snell: Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
- Prof Trevor Williams: Allergy, Immunology and Respiratory Medicine
- Mr Adam Zimmet: Cardiothoracic Surgery & Transplantation