
Health professional information

View Patient Information
Patients can be referred directly by their own GP or specialist and most services are bulk billed (including some GP referred MRI). Scheduled appointments are available. Reports are transmitted electronically over Healthlink and faxed to the referring doctor. Images are also available through Inteleviewer.

Clinical service overview

Alfred Health has one of the most experienced and advanced Radiology departments in the country, receiving multiple accreditation awards including full DIAS (Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme) compliance (excluding DEXA and research), a tribute to our community of diligent and dynamic staff, devoted to caring for patients’ needs. As a part of this commitment we also employ three dedicated radiation safety scientists to ensure that our dose reduction and imaging techniques are in line with international best practices.

Our dedication to clinical and process excellence is matched by our ongoing commitment to education and research. The Alfred Radiology Research unit (the first of its kind in Australia) conducts a broad range of internally-initiated, collaborative and industry research improving patient care through evidence based medicine. Our education programs are again fully accredited and facilitate radiologist and radiographer training in many specialties and sub-specialties.

Note: patients under 16 years of age are seen at Sandringham Hospital.


Refer your patient

Call, fax or give your patient the referral

We accept any valid referral form. Appointments are made according to clinical urgency. Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre. 

To refer your patient, either:

  • Call us to organise a booking
  • Complete the referral form and hand it to your patient
  • Complete and fax a referral to us

If you feel that your patient should be prioritised, call one of our booking offices.

Booking office Phone Fax
Alfred X-ray, MRI, CT, OPG, DEXA (03) 9076 0357 (03) 9076 0399
Alfred Angiography (03) 9076 2963 (03) 9076 2076
Alfred Ultrasound & Mammography (03) 9076 5789 (03) 9076 2076
Alfred Fluoroscopy (03) 9076 5486 (03) 9076 2076
All Sandringham Radiology (03) 9076 1411 (03) 9076 1413

Our clinics

Clinic name Campus Location
Interventional Radiology Clinic The Alfred 99 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE) Clinic The Alfred 99 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC 3004
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In Case Of An Emergency, Call 000