Outpatient Vascular Laboratory
Health professional information
Clinical service overview
Services include:
- Arterial duplex examination of carotid, renal, visceral and peripheral arteries
- Venous duplex examination for deep venous thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency
- Plethysmography studies for venous post-thrombotic syndromes
- Exercise treadmill studies evaluation of lower extremity occlusive disease
- Duplex surveillance of lower extremity bypass grafts following surgery
The laboratory also has extensive experience of ultrasound guided compression treatment of false aneurysms following arterial catheterisation.
The laboratory comprises of 5 vascular technicians and an industry based learning student, from the Swinburne Biophysics course each year as a trainee.
The laboratory has 4 ultrasound machines, one of which is smaller, to take to the wards or theatre. The Alfred is a training institute, so the laboratory is involved with training and demonstrations throughout the year and is also involved in research activities.
Refer your patient
Fax referral to us
We accept GP and specialist referrals to this service.
All referrals are triaged by the service according to clinical urgency. Patients requiring immediate assessment should be sent to the Emergency & Trauma Centre.
To refer your patient, complete and fax a referral to us. For urgent referrals, also contact the service Registrar to discuss the case.
To ensure appropriate and timely triage, include all demographic and clinical details as well as relevant investigation results.
If you are concerned about any delay of the appointment or if there is any deterioration in your patient’s condition, contact the service Registrar on call on (03) 9076 2000.
(03) 9076 2444
(03) 9076 3484