Language Services

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We are a culturally responsive health service committed to responding to the needs of patients from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (CALD)

What we do

We provide interpreting services in more than 160 languages including AUSLAN (Australian Sign Language). The service is provided free of charge via telephone or face-to-face.

Interpreters are there to assist in the communication between you and your healthcare team.

Commonly asked questions

How do I organise an interpreter for my hospital visit?

Prior to your appointment or on your admission to hospital inform us that you need an interpreter. Your healthcare team will then make the necessary arrangements.

Can I contact the hospital in my preferred language?

If you want to contact us in your preferred language, call the Telephone Interpreting Service (National) on 13 14 50 and request to speak to the hospital you will be attending.

Translated patient information

Health information in other languages can be found on our patient resources page. Other translated health information can be found on the Better Health Channel.

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