Centre for Medicine Use and Safety (CMUS)

The Centre for Medicine Use and Safety integrates academic and applied research to address medicine use and safety issues in the home, community, hospital, residential aged-care facility and their interfaces.


Alfred Health Pharmacy is involved in a range of medication and practice-related research activities.

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Clinical trials

The Alfred Health Clinical Trials Pharmacy provides quality, efficient, and cost-effective investigational drug services.

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Stewardship programs

Stewardship programs ensure the best possible use of medications across the health service, and into the community by monitoring their use, coordinating interventions and working with patients and practitioners.

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Medicines information

We provide clinical advice to both Alfred Health patients and health professionals, who are seeking guidance around medicines.

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Medication safety

Medication safety pharmacists co-ordinate and evaluate improvements in medication prescribing, dispensing, administration and monitoring.

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Choice and Medication© portal

The Choice and Medication© portal provides access to a range of psychotropic medicines information leaflets and resources for patients, carers, families and staff of Alfred Health; optimising the use of medicines to treat mental illnesses.

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Formulary management

The Alfred Health Formulary helps to promote the use of evidence-based medicine, ensuring that clinical practice guidelines incorporate updated treatment algorithms that maximise patient outcomes.

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