H is for Hospital

A journey through Sandringham Hospital Emergency Department through a child’s eyes.

H is for Hospital is a 5-part video series currently in development.

The aim of the project is to share information about Sandringham Hospital Emergency Department with our paediatric patients and their caregivers.  We understand that effective communication with children is key to their experience in the emergency department and may have a lasting impact on their perception of healthcare settings.

H is for Hospital

The idea of going to hospital can be scary. In this short video we show some of the typical things a child will experience on their journey through Sandringham Hospital Emergency Department. It’s not as scary as some may fear! Watching this video with your child may help to alleviate some anxieties and help answer some of their questions ahead of time.

H is for Hospital storybook

Explore the storybook version of the H is for Hospital video. This PDF format allows you to read online, download or print in advance of your visit to the Emergency Department. 

Read our storybook

Tell us what you think

If you have any feedback or suggested topics to cover, please complete this short survey