Our teaching & education

The Victorian HIV Service plays a leading role in providing education to people living with HIV, GPs, health services and community health centres across Victoria.

GP education

The Alfred is a partner in VHHITAL, which is run through the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Care Network. We provide education and HIV prescriber training to GPs to help support the care of people living with HIV. We are in the process of developing a share care and mentoring model for GPs. 

The Victorian HIV Service is the host of the Victorian Clinical Care Network (CNN), which offers a means of communication and collaboration between GPs, Infectious Diseases Physicians, and community health care workers to focus on quality of care, clinical care, service planning, and emerging issues in HIV care.

Health services and aged care services

The Victorian HIV service provides education and clinical support to a range of health services working with people living with HIV.

Health professionals and community agencies

We provide information and education to health professionals, community agencies and people living with HIV through our Education + Resource Centre.

Quality of care

We lead development of clinical guidelines and resources along with assisting national bodies such as ASHM, who represents healthcare professionals in HIV, BBV and sexual health develop national guidelines.

HIV Comorbidity algorithm version 6.1 Nov 2023

People ageing with HIV experience higher rates of non-AIDS comorbidities compared to the general population. The aim of these algorithms is to have easy-to-find recommendations for screening and management of these conditions in people with HIV for whom management may be complicated by HIV or antiretroviral treatment. A group of content experts have assisted with the development of the algorithms to ensure they reflect Australian guidelines, and they are listed at the end of the document.