Prof Catriona Mclean

AO, BSc, MBBS, FRCPA, MD, FFSc, FAHMS — Head of Department of Anatomical Pathology, Head of Solid Cancer Molecular Pathology Unit

Professor McLean AO, BSc, MBBS, FRCPA, MD, FFSc, FAHMS and associate member of the Australian College of Dermatology (2021) is currently Professor and Head of the Department of Anatomical Pathology and heads the solid cancer Molecular Pathology Unit at Alfred Health.

She is also the Director of the Victorian Neuromuscular Service (VNLS) and is chief neuropathologist for the VNLS diagnosing muscle and nerve pathology from these sites, running multiple hospital and state-wide neuromuscular case discussion meetings.

As the Director of the Victorian Brain bank and the diagnostic neuropathologist for the Victorian Brain Bank based at the Florey Institute, she has diagnosed thousands of cases with various neurodegenerative diseases and catalogued all diagnoses and made the cases available for national and international researchers over the years.

She is also an honorary neuropathologist for the Royal Children’s Hospital, the National Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Registry and the Australian Phenomics Network at the University of Melbourne.

She also collaborated with Cancer Council Victoria, Florey Neurosciences institute, University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, University of Sydney, Neuromuscular laboratory Perkins Institute WA and Monash University and other international insitutes.

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