Strategic plans

Our strategic plans set clear goals across care eight important themes including patient care, research, community engagement and financial sustainability.

Strategic Plan 2024-30

The Alfred Health Strategic Plan 2024-30 embraces the potential of 21st century care to improve the health outcomes and lives of people.

Our strategic plan will enable us to respond effectively to challenges and take advantage of opportunities to realise our ambitions.

Visit our Strategic Plan feature webpage for plan highlights and more information.

Statement of Priorities

The annual Statement of Priorities agreement outlines key shared objectives of improved access, quality of service provision and financial viability.

Download below or visit the Victorian Government website here.

Access and Inclusion Plan for People with Disabilities 2019-22

Alfred Health's Access and Inclusion Plan for People with Disabilities (2019-2022) builds on the organisation's previous Disability Action Plans. The vision for the future is an Alfred Health that is a truly inclusive, safe and accessible health service and employer. This plan supports the principles of the Disability Act 2006 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 in supporting access to health services and equal employment for people with disabilities.

Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025

For more than 150 years, Alfred Health has been living the values of excellence, innovation and respect. We continue on that journey as we launch Alfred Health’s inaugural Gender Equality Action Plan, designed to take positive steps towards achieving gender equality across our organisation.

Digital Health Strategy 2022-2024

Alfred Health’s first Digital Health Strategy 2022-2024 serves as a critical driver for digitising, modernising and transforming our health service to realise our Digital Health vision of providing “easy access to person-centred, smart and connected quality care”. It provides a stimulus for how technology will be leveraged and re-designed to be person-centric whether is for a patient, family member or staff working on site or at home.

The strategy outlines the Digital Health design principles, our strategic pillars and priority areas of focus as well as key objectives and initiatives going forward. The collective opportunities from Digital Health, whilst requiring significant effort and willingness to adapt, are great in their potential to fulfil Alfred Health’s overall purpose of improving the lives of our patients and their families, our communities and humanity.

Environmental Sustainability Report 2019-20

Alfred Health’s Environmental Sustainability Report 2019–20 outlines initiatives and activities to improve environmental performance and acknowledges challenges we face to reduce our environmental footprint. The report shows the organisation-wide commitment to environmental sustainability at Alfred Health.

We pride ourselves on being transparent about the impact of our operations on the environment, recognising the areas where we can improve and targeting activities towards achieving our environmental sustainability goals.

Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2022-2025

Our Environmental Sustainability Strategy sets direction and guidance for environmental decision-making at Alfred Health. The environmental impact of our operations is monitored and reported publicly in our Annual Report.

Our current strategy includes:

  • A summary of our environmental sustainability journey so far
  • Eight sustainability themes which cover a range of topics including energy, water, waste and carbon emissions
  • Our environmentally sustainable workplace vision and a series of objectives to help achieve this vision

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

Alfred Health’s vision for reconciliation is one where all Australians are equal and have equal opportunities, where we trust each other and move forward towards a shared vision for Australia.

Find out more about our Reconciliation Action Plan.

Alfred Cancer Strategy

Alfred Cancer Strategy 2020-2025 shines a light on how we will continue working together to provide comprehensive, patient centred, quality care through investment, research and innovation. 

It discusses the work we are doing today; the strategic approach we are taking; and our focus, goals and priorities going forward.