Caitlin’s big change

Mental and Addiction Health nurse, Caitlin Berry, believes in big change.

It was when she encouraged her patients to reflect on their most vulnerable moments for the first time, that she had experienced a lightbulb moment.

“It was being able to provide patients with a connection that made me think about a career in mental health,” she says.

After completing a post-graduate degree in mental health nursing, and working as an Associate Nurse Unit Manager, she has recently taken on a new role in service improvement to maintain a high standard of care for her patients.

Over the years, moments of change have shaped the way Caitlin cares for her patients every day.

“I have the autonomy to speak with people and ask – what can we do differently?”

“I believe it’s essential to make sure every patient, family member and consumer who comes through our doors are walk away with a positive experience,” she says.

Caitlin says nurses who are interested in mental health, should be encouraged to explore the opportunities.

“Don’t hesitate, just do it! Mental health nursing is going to make your career better.”