What nursing means to me: Svetlana Kalendareva

As part of International Nurses Day on 12 May, our amazing nurses reflected on what nursing means to them.

Svetlana Kalendareva

Associate Nurse Manager, ACG Aged Care, Caulfield Hospital

Since childhood, I' ve had a nurturing background. I always wanted to work in a hospital and help people. 

When my son was around 6 years old, he was asked at school what his parents do. He proudly said his mum was a nurse – and she helps people who require medical need. I think that explains it well. 

Nurses are here on the ward 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We see the very little things which might not be always noticeable, but are important to know. 

Even providing a patient with a simple touch can be important. I remember a patient telling me they didn’t want to have a shower, and weren’t well.  However, after I was able to encourage them to have a shower, he was so grateful. Something such as a shower can make a big difference to a patient. 

It’s so rewarding being part of such an excellent team. We all help each other out. With newer staff and recent graduates, we ensure they are provided with enough experience and adequate support as they progress to caring for patients with more challenging behaviours. 

Associate Nurse Manager, ACG Aged Care, Caulfield Hospital Svetlana Kalendareva: "Every day when a patient can go home it is a positive outcome. Families are so grateful." 

Every day when a patient can go home it is a positive outcome. When you can see a patient’s health improve – they’re eating better, putting on weight, or starting to walk – that’s the rewarding part. Patients and their families are so grateful.