Physiotherapy research
The Alfred Physiotherapy Department investigates the benefits of physical activity and rehabilitation for hospitalised patients and people with chronic illness.
We have active research programs investigating new models of rehabilitation for people with respiratory disorders, early rehabilitation following surgery, physical activity in chronic disease, and physiotherapy in intensive care.
Postgraduate students
10 PhD students
11 masters students
Our partners
Bihari S, Bersten A, Paul E, McGuinness S, Dixon D, Sinha P, Calfee CS, Nichol A, Hodgson C
(2021), Crit Care Resusc, 23(2), 163-70
Evans L, Rhodes A, Alhazzani W, Antonelli M, Coopersmith CM, French C, Machado FR, Mcintyre L, Ostermann M, Prescott HC, Schorr C, Simpson S, Wiersinga WJ, Alshamsi F, Angus DC, Arabi Y, Azevedo L, Beale R, Beilman G, Belley-Cote E, Burry L, Cecconi M, Centofanti J, Coz Yataco A, De Waele J, Dellinger RP, Doi K, Du B, Estenssoro E, Ferrer R, Gomersall C, Hodgson C, Møller MH, Iwashyna T, Jacob S, Kleinpell R, Klompas M, Koh Y, Kumar A, Kwizera A, Lobo S, Masur H, McGloughlin S, Mehta S, Mehta Y, Mer M, Nunnally M, Oczkowski S, Osborn T, Papathanassoglou E, Perner A, Puskarich M, Roberts J, Schweickert W, Seckel M, Sevransky J, Sprung CL, Welte T, Zimmerman J, Levy M
(2021), INTENS CARE MED, 47(11), 1181-247
Hernandez S, Kittelty K, Hodgson CL
(2021), Curr Opin Crit Care, 27(2), 120-30